Concern. That is what representatives of the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front, FMLN, expressed regarding the problems presented for the transmission of results of the presidential and legislative elections this February 4th.
On Sunday night, reports on social media indicated that some Voting Reception Boards could not transmit results, did not have a system or it was very slow, the special paper for printing did not arrive, reports were handwritten, there was no internet and ballots were duplicated in the system. The TSE website had issues, later projecting a vote count higher than the electoral register, among other irregularities.
Karina Sosa, deputy secretary of the FMLN, pointed out that until midday on Monday, there were no data on the electoral process, which according to the official, was “tainted” from the start.
“Not all the reports are in yet. With what reports are we going to go to the final scrutiny? The prosecutor’s office cannot turn a blind eye to so much evidence,” said Sosa.
The leftist party criticized the role the Supreme Electoral Tribunal has played in this situation and denounced that the entire electoral process is at risk. “Without preliminary data, a winner cannot be declared, as Nuevas Ideas has irresponsibly done,” said congresswoman Anabel Belloso.
The FMLN states that the electoral process was marked by “bullying” on the part of Nuevas Ideas and that the TSE has been a “submissive institution” to the ruling party. “It is yet another attack on democracy”, because from the beginning there has not been a clean, balanced and transparent process, concluded Karina Sosa.
Electoral process in danger: FMLN
Concern. That is what representatives of the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front, FMLN, expressed regarding the problems presented for the transmission of results of the presidential and legislative elections this February 4th.
On Sunday night, reports on social media indicated that some Voting Reception Boards could not transmit results, did not have a system or it was very slow, the special paper for printing did not arrive, reports were handwritten, there was no internet and ballots were duplicated in the system. The TSE website had issues, later projecting a vote count higher than the electoral register, among other irregularities.
Karina Sosa, deputy secretary of the FMLN, pointed out that until midday on Monday, there were no data on the electoral process, which according to the official, was “tainted” from the start.
“Not all the reports are in yet. With what reports are we going to go to the final scrutiny? The prosecutor’s office cannot turn a blind eye to so much evidence,” said Sosa.
The leftist party criticized the role the Supreme Electoral Tribunal has played in this situation and denounced that the entire electoral process is at risk. “Without preliminary data, a winner cannot be declared, as Nuevas Ideas has irresponsibly done,” said congresswoman Anabel Belloso.
The FMLN states that the electoral process was marked by “bullying” on the part of Nuevas Ideas and that the TSE has been a “submissive institution” to the ruling party. “It is yet another attack on democracy”, because from the beginning there has not been a clean, balanced and transparent process, concluded Karina Sosa.
En peligro el proceso electoral: FMLN
Preocupación. Eso expresaron representantes del Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional, FMLN, por los problemas presentados para la transmisión de resultados de las elecciones presidenciales y legislativas de este 4 de febrero.
El domingo por la noche, en redes sociales se conocieron denuncias de algunas Juntas Receptoras de Voto que no podían transmitir resultados, no tenían sistema o estaba muy lento, no llegó el papel especial para imprimir, se hicieron actas a mano, no había internet y se duplicaban papeletas en el sistema. El sitio web del TSE presentó fallas, luego proyectó un conteo de votos mayor al padrón electoral, entre otras irregularidades.
Karina Sosa, secretaria adjunta del FMLN, señaló que hasta el medio día de este lunes no se conocían datos del proceso electoral que, según la funcionaria, estuvo “viciado” desde el inicio.
“Todavía no están todas las actas. ¿Con qué actas vamos a ir al escrutinio final? La fiscalía no puede hacerse de la vista gorda ante tanta evidencia”, dijo Sosa.
El partido de izquierda criticó el papel que ha jugado el Tribunal Supremo Electoral ante esta situación y denunció que está en riesgo todo el proceso electoral. “Sin datos preliminares no puede declararse un ganador como irresponsablemente lo ha hecho Nuevas Ideas” dijo la diputada Anabel Belloso.
El FMLN señala que el proceso electoral estuvo marcado por “matonería” de parte de Nuevas Ideas y que el TSE ha sido una “institución sumisa” al oficialismo. “Es un atropello más a la democracia”, porque desde el inicio no ha habido un proceso limpio, equilibrado y transparente, concluyó Karina Sosa.