Baby died of pneumonia after being imprisoned with her mother/ Bebé murió de neumonía tras haber estado encarcelada junto a su madre

May 28, 2023

Her name was Genesis and she died on May 17. She spent six months sharing prison with her mother, who was arrested eight months ago under the emergency regime. Marbely still does not know that her baby died. The order for her to be released was given 22 days ago, but she is still in prison./ Se llamaba Génesis, murió el pasado 17 de mayo. Estuvo seis meses compartiendo prisión con su madre, quien fue arrestada hace ocho meses bajo el régimen de excepción. Marbely no sabe aún que su bebé murió. Desde hace 22 días tiene carta de libertad, pero sigue en prisión.

Marbely Medina was captured last August 24, 2022, while she was in her home, in a neighborhood in the city of Ahuachapán. Several police officers arrived at her house; after asking why they were going to capture her, if they knew her well that she was not a gang member or a collaborator of criminals, the agents alleged that they had received an anonymous call and that she had to accompany them.

Marbely continues to be detained despite the fact that, 24 days ago, a judge ordered her release under two conditions: not to leave the country and to report to the court every month to sign in.

But the State keeps her in detention, illegally, in spite of the court order.

If the government had released Marbely, she would have been able to attend the funeral of her baby, Genesis, who was buried on May 18.

But Marbely does not even know that her baby is already dead. Reyna, her mother, tried to inform her by calling the Apanteos prison, where she was told that it was none of their business.


Bebé murió de neumonía tras haber estado encarcelada junto a su madre

Marbely Medina fue capturada el pasado 24 de agosto de 2022, mientras estaba en su vivienda, en una colonia de la ciudad de Ahuachapán. Varios policías llegaron a su casa; tras preguntar por qué la iban a capturar, si ellos la conocían bien que no era pandillera ni colaboradora de criminales, los agentes alegaron que habían recibido una llamada anónima y que los tenía que acompañar.

Marbely sigue detenida a pesar de que, desde hace 24 días, un juez ordenó la libertad bajo dos condiciones: no salir del país y presentarse a firmar cada mes al juzgado.

Pero el Estado la mantiene privada de libertad, ilegalmente, a pesar de la orden judicial.

Si el Estado le hubiese dado la libertad a Marbely, ella hubiese podido estar en el funeral de Génesis, su bebé, quien el pasado 18 de mayo fue sepultada.

Pero Marbely no sabe siquiera que su bebé ya está muerta. Reyna, su madre, intentó avisarle llamando al penal de Apanteos, donde le respondieron que eso no era algo que les importara.