Judge asks the Prosecutor’s Office to investigate possible gang influence in the 2021 elections / Juez pide a Fiscalía investigar posible influencia pandilleril en las elecciones de 2021

Aug 9, 2022

The judge's petition is included in a sentence against a network of extortionists in downtown San Salvador. — La petición del juez está incluida en una sentencia contra una red de extorsionistas del centro de San Salvador.

Audios intervened by the Prosecutor’s Office, the testimony of a witness with the key “Amazon.” Police investigations led the former Specialized Judge of Sentence “A” of San Salvador to ask the Attorney General’s Office (FGR) to investigate a possible exchange or agreement between government politicians and members of the Barrio 18 gang so that the criminal structure would influence the municipal and legislative branches.

The judge, in his written ruling issued in July and to which LPG had access, reiterated the sentences granted in March of this year to the members of a structure of extortionists formed by a click of the Revolutionary Barrio-18 and vendors of the Historic Center of San Salvador gathered in the Organization of Independent Vendors (OVI). But he adds that there are aspects revealed by the Prosecutor’s investigation that must be deepened “in a serious and responsible way,” such as the possible impact of this network on electoral processes.

Through wiretapping of members of the criminal structure, the Prosecutor’s Office found that the prominent leader of the sellers’ organization (OVI), Norma Aguirre, occupied personal documents (DUI) of some relatives to claim pandemic bonds and, in addition, press to influence the 2021 election results.

“It is worrying the role played by Mrs. Norma Elivania Aguirre in the management and delivery of a presidential social assistance bond in the amount of three hundred United States dollars ($300), which according to wiretapping, the justiciable and the gang had a discretionary use in the choice of the beneficiaries, surviving questions that the Tax Agency must investigate.

Amazonas, a protected witness who was the victim of extortion from this network, described in his statement during the judicial process that the association of vendors served for gang purposes but also warned that Aguirre requested the documents of informal traders to ask politicians for money. “With those votes (from the vendors and gang 18), any party raises the money to it,” the witness said.

Another of the evidence that affected the sentencing judge to ask the Prosecutor’s Office to investigate the exchange of votes in exchange for money was the audio obtained during the investigation, in which gang members are heard saying that Norma Aguirre collected the documents to offer them to political parties and that she mobilized vendors at the request of officials.

“(Sic) I was watching the dust with Norma (Aguirre), where she was pressuring people to get out the DUIs… who were doing that because of the votes of Nayib Bukele’s ‘N’ blue swallow to give her the votes because she had everything filed for any party that releases the money… and they were votes for the party to release “These circumstances must be investigated to discard them, or, where appropriate, organize the investigation folders in case it is discovered that there was electoral fraud,” the judge said in his conviction.

LPG: https://www.laprensagrafica.com/elsalvador/Juez-pide-a-Fiscalia-investigar-posible-influencia-pandilleril-en-las-elecciones-de-2021-20220808-0083.html

Juez pide a Fiscalía investigar posible influencia pandilleril en las elecciones de 2021

Audios intervenidos por Fiscalía, el testimonio de un testigo criteriado con clave “Amazonas” e investigaciones policiales llevaron al exjuez Especializado de Sentencia “A” de San Salvador a pedirle a la Fiscalía General de la República (FGR) que investigue un posible canje o acuerdo entre políticos oficialistas y miembros de la pandilla Barrio 18 para que la estructura criminal incidiera en las elecciones municipales y legislativas de 2021 a cambio de dinero público.

El juzgador, en su fallo por escrito emitido en julio y al cual tuvo acceso LA PRENSA GRÁFICA, reiteró las condenas otorgadas en marzo de este año a los miembros de una estructura de extorsionistas formada por una clica del Barrio-18 Revolucionarios y vendedores del Centro Histórico de San Salvador aglutinados en la Organización de Vendedores Independientes (OVI). Pero añade que hay aspectos revelados por la investigación de Fiscalía en los que se deben profundizar “de manera seria y responsable”, como la posible incidencia de esta red en procesos electorales.

A través de escuchas telefónicas realizadas a miembros de la estructura criminal, la Fiscalía encontró que la principal líder de la organización de vendedores (OVI), Norma Aguirre, ocupaba documentos personales (DUI) de algunos allegados para reclamar bonos de la pandemia y, además, presionar para incidir en los resultados electorales de 2021.

“Resulta preocupante el papel desempeñado por la señora Norma Elivania Aguirre en la gestión y entrega de un bono presidencial de asistencia social por un monto de trescientos dólares de los Estados Unidos de América ($300), que de acuerdo a las intervenciones telefónicas, la justiciable y la pandilla tenían un uso discrecional en la elección de los beneficiarios, perviviendo interrogantes que deben ser investigadas por la Agencia Fiscal de manera seria y responsable”, dice el juez en la resolución.

LPG: https://www.laprensagrafica.com/elsalvador/Juez-pide-a-Fiscalia-investigar-posible-influencia-pandilleril-en-las-elecciones-de-2021-20220808-0083.html